Q's Golf Corner:
Q's Golf Corner:
- To those who are thinking about starting to learn the golf;
Here are a few tips:
1)Never buy new clubs(can get a used club for a better price which look like brand new.)
2)For a starter you only need a 7 or 8 iron and don't even think about start hiting woods.
maybe a 3 or 5 wood after a lot of practices.
3)Take a few lessons(this is "must") Invest some money (it will pay off later)
lessons make a big difference. Unless you are a super athletic sportman, learn from someone who knows pretty well about golf.
- GolfonlineGolfonline
- Don't buy new clubs!!!you can get used clubs which look like brand new...WHY pay more When you can get new paying LESS....
GOlfCLUBEXCHANGE.com is the best place to buy used clubs which looks like new.
Buy used clubs
- golfdiscount.com -- you can get a great price from this site for new Buy new clubs
- golfbargains.com -- This place is better!!!
Buy new clubs
modified last in June 22, 2001