//KYU BAE //assignment 8A-b //purpose: //This program provides the opportunity to: // 1) Write several functions, some of which return // a valve and others which do not. // 2) Reinforce objectives of previous lab projects. // 3) Modify lab 3 so that the function are now inline. #include void main(void); inline void FirstFunc(int); inline int SecondFunc(int, int); inline int ThirdFunc(void); //input: none //call three functions //output: none void main (void) { int iNum1=5; int iNum2=13, iNum3; int iResult; int iValue1, iValue2; int iAnswer; iNum3= iNum1 * iNum2; cout <<"Multiply two numbers and print the result: " << iNum3 << endl; FirstFunc(iNum1); FirstFunc(5); cout <<"Enter two integers and i will multiply them" <<" and print the result :" << endl <<"(use space to separate two numbers)"<< endl; cin >> iValue1 >> iValue2; iAnswer= SecondFunc(iValue1, iValue2); cout <<"the result is : " << iAnswer <> iMath1 >> iMath2; cout <<"You entered: " << iMath1 <<" and " << iMath2 << endl; return iMath1* iMath2; }