//KYU BAE //assignment 1A //purpose: // this program provide the opportunity to : // 1) declare variables of different types. // 2) assign values to variables. // 3) do some simple math. // 4) print variables using the cout obeject. # include int main(void) { int iInt1, iInt2, iInt3, iInt4; float fInt5; float fInt6; double dInt7; char cAnyChar; float fAnyFloat; iInt1=125; iInt2=8; iInt3=iInt1-iInt2; iInt4=iInt1+iInt2; fInt5=float(iInt1/iInt2); fInt6=float(iInt1%iInt2); dInt7=double(iInt1*iInt2); fAnyFloat=(129.546); cAnyChar='R'; cout <<"iInt1 is " << iInt1 << endl; cout <<"iInt2 is " << iInt2 << endl; cout <<"iInt3 is " << iInt3 << endl; cout <<"iInt4 is " << iInt4 << endl; cout <<"fInt5 is " << fInt5 << endl; cout <<"fInt6 is " << fInt6 << endl; cout <<"dInt7 is " << dInt7 << endl; cout <<"cAnyChar is " << cAnyChar << endl; cout <<"fAnyFloat is " << fAnyFloat << endl; return 0; }